Who are we?

Byrne Wood was started by Byrne brothers, Geoff and Wes. Officially founded under this name in 2022, the duo began building the dream (and wood products) a few years earlier.

Here's the story:

Way way back

For Geoff and Wes, DIY was the only way to go. From living through home builds to zip lines from the second story roof, they were always building something.

Not so far back

For a number of years Geoff was living on a boat in San Francisco. Hauling crab for meals as he prepared his boat to set sail around the world.

Wes meanwhile was living in St Petersburg, FL kiteboarding and working for a small design agency.

Getting Started

Leading up to 2020, Geoff and Wes were both finding a new interest in woodworking. Wes quickly converted his garage to a small shop and got to work.

By 2021 he began selling at a local farmers market where he began to get custom orders.

When the first order for over 500 pieces came in, it was clear that the single car garage and one person was going to be a stretch. Enter Geoff.

The two teamed up to complete the order, learning along the way how to source wood, build, and finish at that scale.


We are now located in a beautiful shop in Hermosa Beach, CA. working mostly full time coming up with new unique products and bringing custom orders to life.

And of course, Piper & Rosie

Our two shop helpers. You'll usually find Pi biting at the air hose while Rosie nestles in a pile of sawdust for a quick snooze.